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Content is King, Emperor, President…

We’ve all heard the mantra, ‘content is king.’ These days, that’s more true than ever. Why?

1. Search Engines

Do the words “Panda” or “Penguin” mean anything to you? These are two of the latest tweaks to Google’s algorithm, which are in part aimed at cutting down on the amount of SEO spammers who make it into the SERPs (search engine results page). Link building is one method such spammers use to boost their site rankings, by submitting to junk article directories and leaving meaningless comments on blogs.

Lots of sites have experienced a drop in traffic due to Panda and Penguin. Those who have weathered the storm are those who were generating good, quality content in the first place.

2. ROI Tracking

Thanks to analytics tools, you can easily see which of your pages and posts led your site visitors to take action. You can track which pages brought visitors to your site through search engines. If you’re using social sharing links, you can also track how much buzz your content is generating.

3. Personalization

Social sites like Twitter are so popular in part because they provide a personal connection between the public and formerly far-removed entities (celebrities, companies, etc). Now everyone has a direct line to the people and brands they’re most interested in. Connecting with your audience, through a blog and/or social outlets, gives your brand a face that people can relate to.

It’s also important to write in an accessible manner, so your audience will better connect with what you have to say.

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